To respect, preserve, harness and use cultural heritage and resources to develop a united, vibrant and a prosperous national community with a distinctive African identity and personality and collective confidence and pride of place among the comity of nations.
The National Commission on Culture is to maintain the unique cultural identity and values for the promotion of an integrated national culture, as well as contribute to the overall economic development of the nation.
The National Commission on Culture was established by the Provisional National Defense Council (PNDC) law 238 of 1990 to manage from a holistic perspective of the Cultural life of our country Ghana. It is an implementation body under the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture charged with the responsibility of ensuring the implementation of the culture policy of Ghana.
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To respect, preserve, harness and use cultural heritage and resources to develop a united, vibrant and a prosperous national community with a distinctive African identity and personality and collective confidence and pride of place among the comity of nations.


The National Commission on Culture is to maintain the unique cultural identity and values for the promotion of an integrated national culture, as well as contribute to the overall economic development of the nation.


The National Commission on Culture was established by the Provisional National Defense Council (PNDC) law 238 of 1990 to manage from a holistic perspective of the Cultural life of our country Ghana. It is an implementation body under the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture charged with the responsibility of ensuring the implementation of the culture policy of Ghana.